The Masters Program in Applied Psychology is a study program that bridges psychological theory with its application. Graduates of the Master of Applied Psychology are expected to become consultants or experts who are able to solve community problems at the individual, group, community/organization level using a Psychological Science approach. The Master’s Program in Applied Psychology is an academic education program and does not prepare participants to practice psychology as a licensed psychologist.
To become a center for education, study, research, and development of psychology at the Masters level capable of being a reference in solving problems at the individual, group, community/organization level based on scientific findings that are applied and oriented towards urban and cross-cultural aspects.
For applicants who have a Non-Psychological S1 educational background and have passed the selection, they are required to take part in the matriculation program for 1 (one) semester which is held in even semesters. This matriculation activity was carried out to equalize the basic knowledge of psychology among lecture participants. To be able to continue studying in the Master of Applied Psychology Program, a matriculation participant must pass the matriculation program with a minimum grade point of 3.00 (three point zero zero).
Length of Study
Applied Psychology Study Program is designed for 2 years (4 semester) with a maximum study time of 3 years (6 semester).
Lecture Activities
Semester 1: Master’s degree and specialization courses
Semester 2: Master’s degree and specialization courses
Semester 3: Master’s degree and specialization courses
Semester 4: Compilation of the thesis
Scientific publications (as a graduation requirement)
Lecture time
Monday-Thursday (Afternoon, 16:00 WIB)
Friday (Start at 14:00 WIB)
Academic Title
After graduating from the Master of Applied Psychology Degree, Graduates will obtain the title of Master of Applied Psychology or M.Psi.T.
Academic Fee
Operational Fee : Rp. 17.500.000
Admittance Fee : Rp. 17.000.000
Information regarding registration can be seen in the following link