Ethical Review


(Updated March 2, 2022)

Through the website of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia, we would like to inform the ethical reviewers that the review process for files that have been sent to the E-mail of the Ethics Review Team for the period of March 1 will be temporarily delayed due to the process of changing the Ethics Committee Team of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Indonesia. In connection with these changes, we ask for understanding from the proponents of the ethical review that there will be a delay in the review process within the review period of March 1 until a decision is made on the composition of the new Ethics Committee.

Thank You,

FPsi UI Ethics Committee Team

Ethical Review

Faculty of Psychology University of Indonesia

General Consent and Ethical Review Process at the Faculty of Psychology University of Indonesia:

  1. All researchers that is going to do research must apply for Research ethical review.
  2. If the research is done by one (1) team under the same research umbrella, have the same procedure, the same participants, therefore the ethical review can be combined and done in with one form.
  3. It’s possible to apply for ethical review through online means with the following deadlines : The submission application for Undergraduate (S1), Master (S2), Doctoral (S3), and lecturer deadline is at the 1st and the 15th of each months
  4. If the one who submitted their ethical review process is an Undergraduate (S1), Master (S2), or Doctoral (S3) They also need to include their student identification number (NPM) on the file’s name for the reviewer team administration purposes. (Example: Ethical Review Submission – Andy – NPM : 11111111)
  5. For students who are in the Doctorate Study Program (S3) The ethical review process is done after the student had done their research proposal exam and at most before they did their research data collection process. Data collection can only be done after the person who submitted their ethical review completion letter with a passing note on it that has been signed by the head of the ethics committee of the faculty of psychology of Universitas Indonesia.
  6. For the ethical reviews that are submitted by an Undergraduate (S1), Master (S2), and Doctorate (S3), the one who’s responsible for the ethical review is the Guidance Lecturer.
  7. The ethical review process is done by double review with two reviewer. The review process will take around 1 (one) month, from when the application is handed to the ethical review team to when the passing ethical review letter is handed out.
  8. The result or the passing ethical review letter will be handed out from the Ethic Secretariat Committee to the one who submits the application after the review process has been done by the reviewer
  9. Revision of the ethical review application will be done as based on the result of the reviewer and sent back to the ethical review team at most three (3) months after review. If three month has passed then the applicant must restart the application from the beginning.
  10. For offline ethical review (Before covid-19 pandemic). If the applicant didn’t get their passing ethical review letter within 6 (six) months then they must start over the ethical review process.
  11. Data collection will be done after ethical review applicant has received their passing letter that has been signed by the head of the ethics committee. If in the future the applicant did collect the data before their signed passing letter by the head of the ethical review committee and published by the ethical secretariat committee, then the ethical review process will be stopped and the applicant cannot move on to the next step.
  12. The passing letter will have the duration of when will the letter expire. The time of the expiration will be adjusted with the research duration. If the research going to be conducted past the expiration date then the ethical review process will have to be renewed by the researcher.
  13. Every June, the faculty of psychology ethical committee won’t be receiving any application form for ethical review to be reviewed. The only review process that will be done in June is the renewal of past revision of ethical review process. The committee will be receiving application again on July.

Documents that need to be attached:

  1. Ethical review form that explains the research activity clearly and shortly. (The form can be downloaded on the faculty website).
  2. Informed Consent sheet.
  3. Measurement tools that is used during the research process.
  4. Debriefing Sheet (If using experimental research design).

Ethical Review Mail Address

For more information contact : Rosliyanti / 0821-2346-5947 (can be contacted during normal work day and hours)

Ethical Review Flow

Ethical Review Form


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