Academic Services

Details regarding to letter submission that is related to educational administration and student affairs can be seen in the following links below, keep in mind that the details are in Bahasa Indonesia. Templates for the letters can be seen in the download section of the UI Psychology Faculty website.

Letters regarding administrative purposes such as diploma legalization, application for educational leave, certificates and other letters regarding educational purposes can be sent to the education administration center (PAP) via the following link:

And/or email to the following link:

For other student affairs administration such as scholarship submission, installments payments, and such can be sent to UI Faculty of Psychology through the following email:

For more Information contact through phone on the following phone number: 021-7270004/5 ext  1120

  1. POB Penyusunan Kalender Akademik
  2. POB Registrasi Akademik
  3. POB Penyusunan Jadwal Perkuliahan
  4. POB Permohonan Pembuatan Surat Keterangan
  5. POB Permohonan Pembuatan Surat Pengantar
  6. POB Pengajuan Keringanan BOP S1 Reguler
  7. POB Pengajuan Cicilan BOP
  8. POB Pengajuan Beasiswa yang Dikelola Universitas
  9. POB Bantuan Dana Kegiatan Kemahasiswaan
  10. POB Transfer Kredit
  11. POB Prosedur Pengajuan Cuti Akademik
  12. POB Evaluasi Studi
  13. POB Putus Studi
  14. POB Perubahan Nilai Mahasiswa
  15. POB Pendaftaran Ujian Skripsi Tesis
  16. POB Pengunduran Diri Mahasiswa
  17. POB Penetapan Kelulusan
  18. POB Penerbitan Ijazah
  19. POB Penerbitan Transkrip Nilai
  20. POB Legalisasi Ijazah dan Transkrip Akademik
  21. POB Tunda Kuliah


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