Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference, The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc.
Souldrama 2013, Fakultas Psikologi UI dan International Institute for Souldrama
Pelatihan Research Tools “How to use research tools (Endnote)”, Fakultas Psikologi UI
Souldrama 2014, International Institute for Souldrama
Training on Public Mental Health for Psychologists, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
Pelatihan Tingkat Lanjut: Pendekatan dan Teknik Terapi Keluarga (Family Therapy), Sahabat Satu Hati (SAUH)
Motivational Interviewing 1 Core Skills and Spirit, Practice Pavestones
Motivational Interviewing 2 Process and Change Talk, Practice Pavestones
Workshop of Conducting Centenarian Studies: Lessons Learnt from Past Studies, Center of Ageing Research and Education (CARE) dan Duke-NUS Medical School
Motivational Interviewing (Basic and Intermediate) Workshop, Singapore General Hospital